Jason K. Chapman


A Future Fable

"I have problems with the smaller canvas of the short story. My ideas always seem too big to fit. Some say it's a weakness in my writing. I prefer to think of it as just a choice of medium, like painting with oils instead of watercolors. Of course, that could just be my ego talking."

THE SNAG is a short story that Jason refers to as a future fable. It's a humorous SF tale with a dark edge. Read it here for the first time anywhere.

A Novel-in-Progress

Read early excerpts from Jason's current project, Bloodline.

Theme in Fiction

An Essay in Response to a Discussion Group Question

by Jason K. Chapman

In everything I write, I begin with an idea, a thought to express. It acts as the glue that bonds character, plot, and voice together into some kind of organized whole.

"Aww, Grow Up!"

An Essay on Being Childish

by Jason K. Chapman

The day I stop acting childish is the day I die--whether my body continues or not. The phrase "grow up" is one of my pet peeves.

Poetry vs Prose

"I'm horribly illiterate when it comes to poetry. That's a terrible admission, considering my involvement with Poets & Writers, I know.

"Whereas a novel is a thousand pounds of dynamite, a poem is a tiny vial of nitroglycerin. They can both move mountains, but require very different handling."

According to Jason, these pages should make it abundantly clear why he's a novelist and not a poet.














Copyright © 2000-2006 Jason K. Chapman