short story

My novelette THE LONG FALL is going to appear in the September edition of the Grantville Gazette. If you haven't heard, The Gazette has added a new section called "Universe Annex" for stories that aren't related to Eric Flint's 1632 universe. It sort of picks up where Jim Baen's Universe left off. It works the same way The Gazette does, all submissions go through the slush forum for comments and critique, then the editors pluck the publishable stories from there. Fellow Baen's Barfly Robert Ortega has a nice story called SUMMERLAND RENTALS up there now. Check it out.

For those of you who remember my short story JOHNNY PLAYS 'ROUND SATURN'S RINGS, which appeared in Jim Baen's Universe, THE LONG FALL is another story featuring the character Mi. In fact, it's essentially her origin story.

"Inside Job" got a mention in Rich Horton's year-end wrap-up of (part of) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. I say "part of," because they apparently missed sending him a couple of issues. I'd like to think I'd have still gotten a nod even if he'd read the whole year, but who knows? I'll take what I can get.

Issue #42 is still available in print or PDF from Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine.

I just got my copy of Andromeda Spaceways Issue #42, which includes my short story "Inside Job". I have to admit, I've never held a physical copy of the magazine before. That's because I'm way too cheap to pay for shipping paper half way around the world. I buy the PDFs instead. That turns out to be a shame, because the magazine is nicely put together. It's perfect bound, with a mid-weight cover stock (40# maybe?) that's gloss-finshed on the outside, but matte on the inside. It makes for a handsome publication.

Panverse One Anthology News

I've received my copies of the new Panverse One anthology, in which my story "The Singers of Rhodes" appears, and it looks fantastic. I think Dario Ciriello, the editor, really hit this one out of the park. Many have remarked that the novella is the perfect length for science fiction, but they can be difficult to sell. There just aren't enough markets willing to play in the 18k-70k word range. Panverse Publishing is trying to help with that by producing a series of original anthologies dedicated to the novella length while also holding up story and SF's famed "sense of wonder" as high values. As the marketing tag line says: "Wonder. Story. They're back."

Panverse One is currently available from Panverse Publishing's site right now, and should be showing up on Amazon in the next few days.

There's a Facebook group for it and nice things are already being said about the book.

My short story "For the Love of Jazz", which originally appeared in Cosmos Magazine, has been accepted over at Hurry over there and build your own anthology. Search for stories, choose the ones that sound interesting, click a few buttons, pay a few bucks, and voila!, you have yourself a real live trade paper anthology, of your own construction, sent to you in no time. Cool, eh?
