science fiction

My novelet "The Long Fall" is now available in the Grantville Gazette's Universe Annex. The issue doesn't officially go live until September 1st, but it's up early. The story features Mi Dimarco and is a prequel to "Johnny Plays 'Round Saturn's Rings", which originally appeared in Jim Baen's Universe and is now available at Anthology Builder.

Samuel Montgomery-Blinn's Bull Spec #1 has a been reviewed in Tangent Online. It isn't a fawning, do-no-wrong review, but it is a positive review that marks Bull Spec as a promising newcomer to the literary SF scene. The reviewer's summation comes down to this: "For a first issue, production values are very high, and the quality of the contents I would rate as very good."

Dario Ciriello's Panverse Publishing got some great press on GalleyCat and BoingBoing stemming from his Kickstarter campaign to fund an expansion of the press. Now, that's exposure. The GalleyCat article also includes a nice cover shot of Panverse One and mentions something about "rave reviews."

If you can, you really ought to help Dario out on his Kickstarter campaign. Trust me, as a reader you'll be well rewarded. If nothing else, you can rush out and buy a copy of Panverse One, or Eight Against Reality.

My novelette THE LONG FALL is going to appear in the September edition of the Grantville Gazette. If you haven't heard, The Gazette has added a new section called "Universe Annex" for stories that aren't related to Eric Flint's 1632 universe. It sort of picks up where Jim Baen's Universe left off. It works the same way The Gazette does, all submissions go through the slush forum for comments and critique, then the editors pluck the publishable stories from there. Fellow Baen's Barfly Robert Ortega has a nice story called SUMMERLAND RENTALS up there now. Check it out.

For those of you who remember my short story JOHNNY PLAYS 'ROUND SATURN'S RINGS, which appeared in Jim Baen's Universe, THE LONG FALL is another story featuring the character Mi. In fact, it's essentially her origin story.
